Saturday, December 22, 2012

On the tenth day of Christmas . . .

. . . Mommy’s got to make this quick.  The children are at Nana and Sir’s for the night and there’s lots to do.  But, I couldn’t resist sharing today’s shenanigans (and please note, no children, animals or bystanders were harmed in the making of these shenanigans - I will say a HUGE thank you to the Brodies for their sense of humor and for playing along with us):

Grandparents’ version

. . . ten laws a breaking! 

NOTE - No children or animals were harmed in the making of these photos!

Ten lords a leaping would be an awesome gift,

But they got stuck while jumping through a snowdrift. 

Instead, we caught the children in the act 

Of making mischief, and that's a fact!
Talking while driving



"Stick em up Mister"


Pick Pocket


 Friends’ version

Ten lords a leaping would be an awesome gift,

But they got stuck while jumping through a white snowdrift.

We had to be content, you see, to watch the popcorn fly.

So we've also given you some to try.

Mommy forgot completely to take the picture this time, so you have to settle for the box!  :-)

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