Thursday, December 13, 2012

On the first day of Christmas . . .

. . . mommy proved she’s crazier than initially expected.  

Because the holiday season isn’t busy enough, I decided to come up with a little game to play with our friends as well as the grandparents. 

I am writing this post with the caveat to all my friends out there who have kids the Trifecta’s age and who were not included in this ring and run project . . . I’m so sorry that we didn’t include you.  The girls had to pick one friend each and we couldn't do any more than that.   I promise we’ll catch you on the next round (and I also promise you won’t have to wait until next Christmas).

My posts during the next 12 days will be one day behind because I can’t reveal what we are doing each day until AFTER they are done.  But, these were too good and too much fun not to share.  I got this idea from  Loved her poems and suggestions, so we are copying many, but put some of our own twists.  The girls and I really enjoyed coming up with the pictures and gifts.  

By the way, do NOT try to sing these verses.  I took HUGE liberties with that part.

So, here goes –

Grandparents version – Send an e-mail with the subject “On the first day of Christmas, my grandbabies gave to me”:

A picture of them holding pears in trees.

I also included the following poem

The Christmas Season is so full of fun
We're happy to share with our grandparents
Why our mommy is always on the run.

The song that we sing twelve days in a row
Won't get tiresome with the trifecta you know

Each day we'll send something
Please don't worry, it's coming

Today calls for a partridge for your pear tree,
But partridges are too hard to catch,
So we hope you will see
That our funny pictures will become quite a batch!

Friends’ version
Leave a can of pears on the doorstep with the following poem:

This glad Christmas season is so full of fun.

We're happy to share with your family, then run. 

How grateful we are that you're playing our game.

You'll now find that Christmas won't be the same.
 The song that we sing twelve days in a row

Won't get tiresome with treats from friends you know.

But to keep up the mystery and the fun,

You won't know who we are until we're all done!
Each night we'll bring something

Please don't watch for us coming.

If you catch us too soon,

It will spoil the fun that's coming!
Tonight calls for a partridge for your pear tree,

But partridges are tough catches, you see.

Now, how about some canned pears, instead of the bird.

They taste very good, or so we have heard.

Of course, we did get caught by one family, and the others will definitely know by now that it’s us.  I’m also so annoyed with myself that I forgot to take a picture of the pears.  I had to ask one of the recipients to send me a photo.  I’m an idiot!

Now I gotta go find some turtle doves – anyone have a distributor for that?!


  1. Aha! Chloe and I suspected it was you. :-)

  2. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this idea!!!! Can't wait to see all 12. You amaze me with your creativity!
