Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Weird Science . . . but without the bras on our heads

Ok, yes, that was a completely inappropriate reference, but since when have I ever been appropriate?!  I told Husband from Heaven that we would be having Weird Science day at Camp Runamuk today and he said “you gonna create a hot chic?”  I had to admit that movie was a classic; I also have to admit my children will probably never fully appreciate it.

Yesterday we had 2 kids go home and in true Trifecta fashion I decided to up the ante, so today we added 3 kids to the mix! 
Here’s what I learned about exposing children to the joys of science:

Monday, June 25, 2012

Woke up a Tri momma . . .

. . . went to bed a quintet momma.

Today was my last day as a momma of 5.  I, of course intended to make this post last night, but ½ way through it I fell asleep and I decided it best to call it a day. 
Today my cousin came to pick up her kids.  Over the last twelve days we’ve survived countless poopy diapers, 5 days of summer camp, 4 visits to the pool, 3 grandparents visiting (actually, they survived us), 2 theme parks and 1 triathlon.

Here are the "Do's" and one "Don't" I learned about taking care of the little ones again:

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Serenity Now!

Today was one of those days where at the end of it I keep hearing George’s father say “serenity now” (if you don’t know this reference, you need to watch some Seinfeld reruns)! 

Day 8 of quintet motherhood and momma’s losing her mind.  Right now I’m locked in my bedroom watching the Real Housewives of New Jersey to remind myself that there are children out there who are disguised as adults, and they actually might be crazier than my children!!!

Here’s what I learned about knowing when you just need to say “mommy’s off the clock”:

Monday, June 18, 2012

Cheaper by the half dozen

So this week my insanity has reached new heights and were it not for the fact that he’d fear I’d give him sole custody of the kids, I think Husband from Heaven might have seriously considered finding a divorce attorney. 

Sometime back in February as we were on our way home from a weeklong ski trip, we were travelling through Vegas and I think I may have gotten drunk at a drive thru –how do I know this?!  When my cousin texted and asked for a huge cousin favor, I actually said “yes” when she asked if I would take care of her 3 year old and 2 year old for 12 days.  I think my answer must have been the result of a contact high from some crack as we drove through Vegas.
Btw, the girls ALWAYS close their eyes when they smile.  I have no idea why.  That's the first question for my cousin when she gets home!
Before this week’s lessons, let’s give each of the cousins a nickname – We’ll call the three year old “Love Bug” - one of the first sentences she said to me was “I love you this much” and she spread her arms all the way out;

We’ll call the two year old “Off-road Rosie” – apparently when the Superego got out of the Barbie Jeep to go get something the baby decided it was her turn to drive. 
Do you think this photo might encourage my cousin to never ask us to watch them again?!  I have a feeling it's going to take more than this to get us fired!
For your enjoyment, here’s what I learned about being the mother of two toddlers PLUS three of my own children:

Friday, June 15, 2012

Why Bake when you can Bakeify?!

Continuing with our “chillin’” theme, I thought we should have a fire and ice theme for our Camp Runamuk projects.   So, we played ice games and made igloo and campfire cupcakes.  We were going to make homemade ice cream, but as you will see, I’m an idiot and that didn’t go so well.

As part of our baking extravaganza, I used items from a friend’s new baking website www.bakeify.com.  It’s a great website that has all kinds of baking tools and items to make your project perfect (and easier on you)!! 

Here’s what I learned when you allow your baking creativity to get a little out of control, and you think games with prizes are a good idea:

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Just chillin' . . . Runamuk style

Today was the first day of the first full week of Camp Runamuk, and like many mommy bloggers, it’s 11:56pm and I’m just sitting down to write my post for the day.  It was such a busy day that I couldn’t get to the pool until 9pm for my swim workout (I have a triathlon in 2 weeks, otherwise, trust me, I wouldn’t have been there).  But, here’s what I discovered . . . all the cute single boys are at the gym at 9:00 at night.  Who knew?!  Well, I’m sure BFF Molly and I knew that in college, but those days are so far behind me, I had forgotten.  Do you think Husband from Heaven would get suspicious if all of a sudden I started working out at 9pm?!  I guess I just outed myself, didn’t I?!

Ok, back to the kids . . . This week’s theme is “Just Chillin”.  Well, as you will see, we did anything BUT “chill”.  We did have several ice themed projects and here’s what I learned about trying to “chill” with your kids:

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Let the Summer Games Begin . . .

Ok, so the summer games aren't for several more weeks, but for stay at home moms, the fun has just begun.
It’s the first day of summer and we all know what that means . . . stay at home mommies like me are making sure their liquor cabinets are fully stocked . . . oh, wait, I mean . . . they are making sure that the first order of business is to take the Ego (the middle child) and the Id (the baby) to a bar an hour and ½ from home . . .
Camp Runamuk doesn’t start until next week, so today I didn’t have anything planned.  BUT, I needed to gather some Germany themed items for an auction basket for an event I am chairing.  So, like any good multi-tasking, over-achieving mommy, I decided to drive the girls an hour and ½ away because it would take all day, they’d be strapped down to one place, they couldn’t mess up my house, and it could be a fun adventure.  I think I may have been drunk when I came up with this idea. 

We went to Old World Village in Huntington Beach for the sole purpose of gathering authentic German items and scoring some tickets to the Oktoberfest that happens there in September/October.  Apparently this is “one of the best Oktoberfests in Southern California”.
Here’s what I learned about the first day of summer, and what happens when you put 2 kids in 1 car for 3 hours all for a 2 hour pit stop in search of a Biergarten: