Well, did you all miss me?!
It’s been an eon since I’ve written and this summer was . . . well, . .
. tough! Still getting used to this SAHM
thing, and also my computer is so f*&#ing slow that it was adding so much
to my aggravation that I avoided it for three weeks.
But, I now have a brand new MacBook Air and I’m so excited
to start using it!
Of course, I’m so computer challenged that I haven’t yet
figured out how to transfer all my data to it, so in the meantime I’ll just
limp along until Husband from Heaven takes pity on me and saves me from myself
and gets me up to date!
But, today I couldn’t resist sharing about what was supposed
to be the girls’ first week back at school.
Like any good SAHM I had all my plans laid out . . .
including a “first day of school” post drop off stop at the local bar for a
mimosa with girlfriends.
The day before school was to start I was merrily going along
into the grocery store to buy provisions for the girls’ lunches for the first
week of school. Then, the call heard
round the world . . . ok, maybe just all of my neighborhood, but indulge the
drama . . .
. . . the school district into which I had asked for my
children to be transferred (and that I had already registered for last May and
that they had been attending since PRESCHOOL) called to tell me they were not
going to approve our request. TWO hours
before I was going down to the school to find out their teachers and less than
24 hours before school started the district denied our transfer request.
After I stopped throwing out every cuss word imaginable and picked
up my crying children from the grocery store entrance, I reflected on what I learned
about unexpected detours and “Plan B”: