Saturday, April 19, 2014

Eggscelent fun!!

It's the eve of Easter and mommy is so grateful for the fun that this season brings!

Last weekend we continued our Fools Egg Cinco tradition, and this time we made it an Egg Hunt with a Heart!  In addition to all the fun for the kids (and of course margaritas for adults), we helped support Just in Time for Foster Youth, a fantastic organization for foster youth aged 18-26 who have “aged out” of the foster care system. Attendees brought dishes, home items, gift cards, bedding, and several other items to help these young adults get their first homes and become self sufficient.  Huge thank you to my Aunt Pam who is a Board member and Melissa, a JIT employee and former client who came out to share information and also enjoy our shenanigans.

We also had the party styled by Melinda Bertrand and Sparkleberry Studio (as you’ll see below, I make the messes while Melinda makes the party sparkle!).  We also had fabulous and beautiful cupcakes by Marianne Daquino!

So now that you've seen all the pretty pictures, here’s how we know mommy has been left with too much party planning time and we’re not really sure who are the kids and who are the adults:

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Mommy's sooooo grateful for her break . . .

. . . from Spring Break!

Could anyone hear my sigh of relief when I woke up yesterday and realized I would NOT have to entertain these muppets for 16 hours???

Spring Break was last week.  You know that time when we all get a sneak peek at what summer vacation will look like.  Well, this mommy is exhausted from her weeklong sneak peek and there are at least two empty Skinny Girl bottles to prove it!

We had Runamuk Shenanigans that lasted all week long and ended with the second Annual Fools Egg-Cinco Hunt (which I’ll cover in another post)!

But first, here is what I learned about summer sneak peeks!  And just for grins, this post will be in Spring Break riddles:

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Fool me once . . . part deux!

Ok, I had to post a P.S. to yesterday's post because this was just too good to pass up.  Here are a couple other shenanigans that even made daddy laugh out loud:

1) You know your blonde roots run deep when you are drying your hair in the morning and that huge puff of white smoke that comes out of the dryer you mistake for "must just be some dust in the hair dryer" (that I used YESTERDAY)!  It wasn't until HfH asked me as we were going to bed "did you shower today . . . notice anything?", that I realized the Superego had pulled a fast one and put cornstarch in my hair dryer!  Momma is so proud her baby is learning such good techniques!

2) You know your "stranger danger" lessons are working when you show up to carpool pick up like this:

We call her Juanita Margarita!!  It was either go like this or with a hot pink wig and call myself "Candy the Stripper".
I think I made the right choice (and HfH just revoked my blogging privileges again)

a) your 2nd grader waits to get in the car until she can see your license plate to make sure it's actually you (despite your gestures encouraging her to get in the car)


b) your 6th grader takes one look at you, turns around and tries to see if she can go home with someone else!!

And finally,

3) I STILL haven't learned my Pinterest lesson!  Last night I tried making cookie taco shells at the last minute and following a recipe that required me to "wrap the dough around a rolling pin".  What those f*&#ers left out of the recipe was "unless you work in Martha Stewart's test kitchen and have 10 rolling pins laying around, this project will take you either 4 hours to make (so you can wait for each batch of two shells to cool for 25 minutes), or you'll just have to improvise and use every plastic cup in your cupboards!  I opted for the latter.

But, those tacos were quite tasty!  Although, I always forget that Jelly Beans get hard when put on ice cream!  Yuck!! (yet another thing they leave off the Pinterest version)

Now it's back to reality and real food (something the girls were not happy about this morning when I threw out the rest of the Trix cereal - I know, mean mommy strikes again)!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Fool me once . . .

Shame on you, fool me over and over and over again, and you must be living in the Dugdale house!!

(And by the way, for all those who subscribe to the blog via e-mail - I played an April Fool's joke on myself.  I was trying to write the post and somehow "published" before I intended so all of you got a "Happy Birthday" blog with nothing in it!  While I'd love to say "April Fools, meant to do that" - I gotta come clean and say I'm just a blogging moron and still don't know what I hit to make that happen!)  

The Id actually thought it was someone's birthday today!  Mommy rolled out the red carpet and everything.

Yep, it's that day that mommy looks forward to all year so that she can mess with the kids and not have to apologize.  But here's what I've come to learn about holiday traditions - once you start, you can never, ever, ever, ever, ever stop.  I still remember when I was traumatized that I was too old to get an Easter basket anymore (I was in grad school when the Nana finally pulled the plug)!

And Karma's a b*tch because now I've backed myself into such a mommy holiday corner that I actually had to cancel going to a dinner this evening because the Ego thought it was an April Fools joke when I told her that I had a Girl Scout dinner to attend tonight.  Which, now that I think about it, what WERE they thinking when they decided to host a "thank you so much for sacrificing your garage and hours of your time to sell cookies" dinner on a day who's only purpose is to f*&# with people???!!  Gonna need to tackle that one another time . . .

. . . because tonight, I have to continue the mommy's messing with our food April Fool's holiday tradition of dessert for dinner (i.e. fauxberry pie and mashed potato sundaes) and dinner for dessert (ice cream tacos).

But first, I must share the lessons from my latest shenanigans so there is no question who put the "Runamuk" in Runamuk Manor!